
"Security in Every Job" Since 1955

Signs It’s Time for a Fence Replacement

Signs It's Time for a Fence Replacement hercules GSA

If you’ve been considering a fence replacement, this may be the year you find a fencing company you can trust to tackle that project.

Spring is the ideal time of year to take on a new project and many people love to spend this season fixing up their yards and completing home improvement projects. If replacing your fence has been on your to-do list for a while now, this may be the year you actually find a fencing company you can trust to tackle that fence replacement. Choosing to replace your residential fencing is a big decision, but ultimately it is typically one that makes your property safer, more secure, and more beautiful. The improved curb appeal can also increase your property value, but there is no price tag that you can put on the safety of your family and guests. However, if you’re still on the fence (pun certainly intended) about GSA fence installation, here are some major signs that your existing fence needs to go, ASAP. 

It’s Broken

Fence damage can be caused by many factors, including animal and insect damage, weather damage, and simple deterioration over time (especially if you aren’t doing maintenance as you should). If your fence is obviously damaged, it may make more sense to replace it rather than to try to repair it. For instance, if the damage is extensive – there are broken slats or panels, there is obvious rot, or the gates are inoperable – the work and cost to repair it will likely be about the same as to replace. Even if it is more expensive to replace, if your fence is old, you will need to fully replace it. It makes more sense to invest now than to pay to repair part of it now and still replace all of it within the next few years anyway. 

It Isn’t Meeting Your Needs

One truth of life is that you can’t possibly plan for everything, and eventually, you may find that your needs change. Perhaps you’ve rescued a dog or added kids to your family since you moved into the house. Perhaps you discovered that you love being in your yard but need a little more privacy from your neighbors. If you have a short fence that isn’t meeting your needs in some way, replacing it with a taller fence is the only real solution. 

You Don’t Like It

Perhaps there simply is something you don’t like about your fence. That is also a fine reason to replace it. If it doesn’t suit you, investing in a new one that does is a good call. You deserve to love the place where you live. 

Hercules Fence GSA Can Help You Find the Perfect Fence for Your Needs

Whether you need a pool or residential fence, Hercules Fence GSA can do the job for you. We have been providing professional, quality service since 1955 and work to uphold our reputation every day. We have locations across the Maryland and Washington Metropolitan areas and are ready to cater to your fencing needs. Give us a call at (410)-799-1555 or contact us online. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest for more updates.

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Hercules Fence serves military bases, the federal government, state government, data centers, and The General Services Administration (GSA), Washington DC.

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