A childproof fence ensures children can safely play in the yard, keeping them secure outdoors.
Homeowners are busy people with plenty on their minds, including the safety of any children they might be responsible for or who come onto their property. A childproof fence can help ensure that children can safely play in a yard or garden, keeping them secure and safe whenever they are outdoors. A high-quality childproof fence will also help make your landscape look even better, which is a nice addition to the peace of mind. Let’s get further into whether or not a childproof fence is right for you.
Check the Law
As important as a childproof fence may be, you want to understand any regulations that could impact your decision. There may be local guidelines that you need to comply with when constructing your fence. Otherwise, you could risk fines and even removing the fence entirely. Keeping your fence up to code is key.
Create a Safe Design
When you’re designing a childproof fence, there are a few factors that need to be thought about to keep everyone safe. The material, for example, wood, is durable and sturdy, whereas steel and aluminum can withstand just about any set of conditions. You also need to ensure your fence is tall enough to keep children secure, but avoid going too high as it can get unsightly or go beyond regulations on fence heights. Your fence should be appropriately installed so it won’t be knocked down in extreme weather.
Making a Fence More Childproof
There are a few options for making your fence even safer for children. First, you may want to consider adding a lockable gate, which can help you control access better and monitor who can access your fence. That gate should be equipped with a self-closing mechanism, which can help prevent children from wandering in or out even if you left the gate open while trying to get a bag of groceries inside.
It’s also important to closely inspect your fence and confirm that there are no sharp edges or points on the surface of your fence, as you don’t want a child to accidentally hurt themselves while playing.
Consider Privacy Too
Everyone has different standards for what they want their privacy to look like. Some people may not want their neighbors looking into their yard, especially if you’re also already installing a childproof fence. Consider how much privacy you want as it may impact your decisions when installing your fence and determining its height.
Hercules Fence GSA Can Help You Find the Perfect Privacy Fences for Your Needs
Whether you need a pool or residential fence, Hercules Fence GSA can do the job for you. We have been providing professional, quality service since 1955 and work to uphold our reputation every day. We have locations across the Maryland and Washington Metropolitan areas and are ready to cater to your fencing needs. Give us a call at (410)-799-1555 or contact us online. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest for more updates.